PCB circuit board, also known as printed circuit board, is an indispensable basic component in modern electronic devices, carrying the connection and signal transmission tasks between electronic components. Its development process has witnessed the technological innovation and industrial transformation of the electronics industry. This article will review the development history of PCB circuit boards from both global and Chinese perspectives, and explore their position and role in the modern electronics industry.

2、 World Development History of PCB Circuit Board

(1) Initial exploration stage

At the beginning of the 20th century, with the emergence of electronic tubes and the rise of radio technology, electronic devices gradually became more complex. In early electronic devices, the connection between components mainly relied on manual soldering, which was inefficient and unreliable. In order to improve production efficiency and product quality, people have begun to explore new ways of connecting electronic components.

In 1925, American inventor Charles Ducas successfully obtained a patent for printed circuit boards, which were the prototype of PCB circuit boards. However, due to limitations in craftsmanship and materials at the time, this technology did not immediately gain widespread application.

(2) Process maturity and promotion application stage

During World War II, military demands propelled the rapid development of the electronics industry. In order to improve the reliability and production efficiency of military electronic equipment, the US military has invested a lot of resources in researching PCB circuit board technology. During this period, significant breakthroughs were made in the manufacturing process of PCB circuit boards, such as copper foil etching and electroplating through-hole technology.

After the war, with the recovery of the global economy and the rise of the consumer electronics market, PCB technology quickly spread to the civilian field. In the 1950s and 1960s, PCB circuit boards were widely used in consumer electronic products such as televisions, radios, and recorders.

(3) High density and multifunctional development stage

After the 1970s, with the rapid development of microelectronics technology, integrated circuits (ICs) gradually replaced discrete components as the main component of electronic devices. In order to meet the high-density packaging requirements of integrated circuits, PCB circuit boards are beginning to develop towards high-density and multifunctional directions.

During this period, advanced PCB technologies such as multi-layer boards, blind buried holes, and micro holes emerged one after another and were widely applied. At the same time, the design software and manufacturing equipment for PCB circuit boards are constantly updated, greatly improving design efficiency and production accuracy.

3、 The Development History of PCB Circuit Boards in China

(1) Initial stage

The development of China’s PCB circuit board industry started relatively late. In the 1950s and 1960s, the production of PCB circuit boards in China mainly relied on manual operation, with outdated technology and limited output. During this period, Chinese PCB circuit boards were mainly used in military and scientific research fields.

(2) Introduction of technology and industrial upgrading stage

After the reform and opening up, with the rapid growth of the Chinese economy and the expansion of opening up to the outside world, the domestic PCB circuit board industry began to introduce advanced foreign technology and equipment. Through cooperation and exchange with foreign enterprises, the technical level and production capacity of China’s PCB circuit board industry have been significantly improved.

After the 1990s, with the transfer of the global electronic information industry and the rise of the domestic market in China, the Chinese PCB circuit board industry ushered in a golden period of rapid development. A number of competitive PCB production enterprises have emerged in China, with a continuously diverse range of products and applications expanding from military and scientific research to multiple fields such as consumer electronics, communications, and automobiles.

(3) Innovative Development and Global Competition Stage

After entering the 21st century, China’s PCB circuit board industry is facing new challenges of global competition. In order to enhance industrial competitiveness and sustainable development capabilities, domestic PCB companies have increased their research and development investment, promoting technological innovation and industrial upgrading.

During this period, China’s PCB industry made significant breakthroughs in high-end product areas such as multi-layer boards, HDI boards, and flexible boards. At the same time, domestic PCB companies are actively expanding their overseas markets, participating in international competition, and gradually establishing a good image of “Made in China”.

4、 Conclusion and Prospect

After more than a century of development, PCB circuit boards have become one of the fundamental components of modern electronics industry. On a global scale, the PCB circuit board industry has formed a complete industrial chain and competitive landscape; In China, after decades of effort and development, the PCB industry has gradually grown from its initial stage to one of the world’s important production bases.

Looking ahead to the future, with the rapid development and widespread application of new generation information technologies such as 5G, IoT, and artificial intelligence, the PCB circuit board industry will usher in new development opportunities and challenges. Worldwide, the PCB industry will continue to develop towards high density, high performance, and green environmental protection; In China, the government and enterprises will continue to increase their efforts in technological innovation and industrial upgrading, promote the high-quality development of China’s PCB circuit board industry, and make greater contributions to the progress of the global electronics industry.