In the 21st century, human beings have entered a highly information-based society. PCB is an indispensable pillar in the information industry.
Electronic equipment requires high performance, high speed and short and thin. As a multidisciplinary industry, PCB is the most critical technology for high-end electronic equipment. PCB products, whether rigid, flexible, rigid-flexible, bonded multi-layered, and modular substrates for IC encapsulated substrates, contribute greatly to high-end electronic equipment. PCB industry plays an important role in electronic interconnection technology.
Recalling the arduous journey of China PCB over the past 50 years, today it has written a glorious page in the development history of the world PCB. In 2006, China produced nearly 13 billion usd of PCB, and became the world’s largest producer of PCB.
I have the following views on the current development trend of PCB technology:
Develop along the road of high density interconnection technology (HDI)
As the HDI focuses on the most advanced technology of modern PCB, it brings about fine traverse and tiny aperture to PCB. The mobile phone (mobile phone) in HDI multi-layer application terminal electronic products is a model of HDI cutting-edge development technology. In mobile phones, microconductor of PCB main board (50 solution m ~ 75 solution m/50 solution m ~ 75 solution m/50 solution m ~ 75 solution m, wire width/spacing) has become the mainstream. In addition, the conductive layer and plate thickness have been moulded. The microminiaturization of conductive graphics leads to the high density and high performance of electronic equipment.
Over the past 20 years, HDI has promoted the development of mobile phones, led to the development of LSI and CSP chips (encapsulation) and encapsulated template substrates for information processing and control of basic frequency functions, and also promoted the development of PCB. Therefore, it is necessary to develop along the HDI road.
Component embedding technology has strong vitality
Form in the inner of the PCB semiconductor devices (referred to as active component), electronic components (called a passive components) or passive component functions “buried component embedded PCB” has started production, buried component embedded technology is a great change in the integrated circuit PCB function, but to development must solve the simulation design method, production techniques, and check the quality and reliability assurance is the top priority.
We need to invest more resources in systems including design, equipment, testing and simulation to maintain strong vitality.
Third, PCB material development to a higher level
Whether it is rigid PCB or flexible PCB, with the lead-free electronic products of the world, it is required to make these materials more heat-resistant. Therefore, new type of materials with high Tg, small thermal expansion coefficient, small medium constant and excellent medium loss Angle emerge constantly.
Fourth, opto-electronic PCB has a promising future
It USES the optical layer and the circuit layer to transmit signals. The key of this new technology is to manufacture the optical layer (optical waveguide layer). It is an organic polymer formed by lithography, laser ablation and reactive ion etching. At present, the technology has been industrialized in Japan and the United States.
Manufacturing process should be updated and advanced equipment introduced
1. Manufacturing process
HDI manufacturing has been mature and tends to be perfect. With the development of PCB technology, although the manufacturing methods used in the past were still dominant, low-cost processes such as addition method and semi-addition method began to emerge.
A new process method of making flexible sheet by using nano technology to metallize holes and form conductive pattern of PCB.
High reliability, high quality printing method, inkjet PCB process.
2. Advanced equipment
Production of fine wire, new resolution photomask and exposure devices and direct laser exposure devices.
Uniform plating equipment.
Manufacturing components embedded (passive active components) manufacturing and installation equipment and facilities.